Friday, 28 June 2013

Have you been dieting for years?

Many people with a weight problem have just about tried ‘everything’. They know all about energy in & energy out, how to control calories, what types of diets are best for weight loss, they know all the diets and programmes…you name it they’ve tried it but nothing seems to work long term.

KEN™ is different from other weight loss alternatives.

The KEN™ Program works to kick start your weight loss and keep you on track for the first 10 days. It helps to control your hunger, help you feel satisfied for longer and re-educate your stomach.
KEN™ allows the body to switch into KETOGENIC mode, whereby it breaks down its own fat stored for use as energy. The special feature in this system is that participants do not feel hungry throughout the entire duration of the 10 day session.

To find out more about kick-starting your weight loss visits the links below:

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Ketogenic Diet video List

New Nose Drip Crash Diet Gaining Popularity among Brides-To-Be

An increasing number of brides-to-be are going on an extreme weight loss regime, called the K-E diet, which requires women to wear nose tubes that deliver 800 calories of food a day, according to various media reports.
Doctors claim that the feeding tube diet will shed patients about 10 to 20 pounds in just ten days.  The K-E diet involves inserting a small feeding tube into the nose and down the esophagus that delivers protein and fat mixed with water and no carbohydrates, according to The New York Times.

Ketogenic Diet - - KEN Diet
The treatment costs Rupees 30,000, and works by a process called ketosis that makes the body burn fat instead of sugar, and leaves the muscles intact.

Dr. Pietro said that the diet does not involve hospitalization or doctor supervision, and patients are simply given a bag filled with food solution and a nasogastric tube.

"It is a hunger-free, effective way of dieting," Dr. Di Pietro told ABC. "Within a few hours and your hunger and appetite go away completely, so patients are actually not hungry at all for the whole 10 days. That's what is so amazing about this diet."

The tubes are removable for one hour a day, and patients can drink water, tea or coffee throughout the day.
According to Dr. Di Pietro, the diet has no significant side effects, and main side effects are just bad breath and some constipation because there is no fiber in the food solution.  However, he adds that patients with kidney disorders should not try the KE-Diet.

The revolutionary diet has been gaining popularity in Italy and Spain, where it is called the KEN Diet and in the United Kingdom in the past year, according to the Daily Mail.

"This could be the most shocking, controversial diet ever to reach Britain," Leah Hardy of The Daily Mail wrote in last month. "It is a regime so extreme, so drastic; it makes Lighter Life’s shakes-only system look like a daily five-course banquet. The KEN, or Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition diet, involves eating absolutely nothing at all."

The recent U.S. launch of the K-E Diet has gained much popularity with women looking to lose weight, especially among brides-to-be.

"I don't have all of the time on the planet just to focus an hour and a half a day to exercise so I came to the doctor, I saw the diet, and I said, 'You know what? Why not? Let me try it," 41-year-old bride-to-be

Jessica Schnaider told ABC News. "It was emotionally difficult, the 10 days of not eating."
Schnaider was only on the diet for eight days, and lost 10 pounds.

Dr. Di Pietro said that he was initially hesitant to offer the diet to people anyone looking to lose a few pounds, but he has now expanded his client base since began providing the K-E diet.

“At first I decided not to do it for people who just want to lose a few pounds. But then I thought, why should I say five or ten pounds are not enough? People want to be perfect,” he told the Times.

Gianfranco Cappello of the La Sapienza Hospital at the University of Rome, who invented the diet, has successfully treated over 40,000 patients who have lost drastic weight in just a matter of days.

"If you lose the weight too quickly your mind is not going to be able to catch up with a newer, skinnier you," psychoanalyst Bethany Marshall of Beverly Hills, Calif. told ABC News.

Other dieticians are doctors say that the diet is not so unique.

Dr. Scott Shikora, the director of the Center for Metabolic Health and Bariatric Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston said any regime that restricts calories will lead to weight loss. “The novelty is, they shove a tube in your nose,” he told the Times.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s through a tube, a straw, a meal plan,” he said. “They all work, if someone goes from 3,000 calories a day to 800.”

Thursday, 20 June 2013

High-Protein Diet for Weight Loss

 Some people turn to higher-protein diets to lose weight. That's because some researchers suggest that higher-protein diets help people better control their appetites and calorie intake.

Diets with 30% protein are now being considered "reasonable" and the term "high protein diet" is now reserved for diets with over 50% protein.

Diets higher in protein and moderate in carbs -- along with regular exercise -- are often thought by experts to reduce blood fats. It also helps maintain lean tissue while burning fat for fuel. And this happens without dieters being sidetracked with constant hunger.

Researchers don't understand exactly how protein works to reduce appetite. They think that it may be because a protein causes the brain to receive lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones. Fewer insulin spikes lead to less fluctuation of sugar levels -- and therefore fewer cravings. It may also be due to eating fewer carbs or the specific protein's effect on hunger hormones and brain chemistry.

What the Studies Show

More research is needed before experts can make sweeping recommendations that people boost the protein in their diets, according to the American Dietetic Association.

But some new research hints that protein may be able to satisfy hunger better than either fats or carbohydrates.

For example, in a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people were put on a diet in which:
  • Fat was reduced to 20% of calories
  • Protein was increased to 30% of calories
  • Carbs made up 50% of diet
People on that diet reported that they:
  • Were more satisfied
  • Less hungry
  • Lost weight
Another study in the Journal of Nutrition combined a high-protein diet with exercise. People in that study had:
  • Enhanced weight loss
  • Improved blood fat levels
How Much Protein Do You Need?

You need protein at all stages of life. It's the major component of all cells, including muscle and bone. It's needed for:
  • Growth
  • Development
  • Immunity to fight off infections and protect the body
The Institute of Health's Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) recommendations allow for a wide range of protein intake. The range is anywhere from 10% to 35% of total calories for normal, healthy adults.
For example, on an 1,800-calorie diet, you could safely eat anywhere from 45 grams (10% of calories) to 158 grams (35% of calories) of protein per day.
But the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is:
  • Men: 56 grams a day
  • Women: 46 grams a day
Most Americans have no problem getting this much, but would struggle to take in enough protein to make up 35% of their calories.

Is it possible to eat too much protein? There are no dangers associated with higher intakes of protein -- unless you have kidney or liver disease.

To get the potential weight loss benefit, experts advise aiming for around 120 grams of protein a day. If you want to increase your protein intake, do it slowly over the course of a week.

To be on the safe side, check with your doctor before adding large amounts of protein to your diet.

Controlling Your Appetite

In theory, losing weight is quite simple. Just eat less and exercise more. But putting that into practice can be complicated. Finding a diet that you enjoy that works with your lifestyle and has the right combination of nutrients is a very individual process.

Some people fare better on one diet whereas others are hungry all the time on the same diet.

And of course, if you're hungry all the time, eating fewer calories will be challenging.

For better appetite control, try dividing your daily calories into smaller meals or snacks and enjoy as many of them as possible early in the day, with dinner being the last meal.

Research suggests eating four to five small meals or snacks per day to control appetite and weight.
And as long as you stay within the recommended limits, you can try adding some more protein to your diet.

The Best Protein Sources

Protein is important but so are carbohydrates, fats, and total calories.

For a higher protein diet, include lean and low-fat sources of protein at every meal as part of a calorie-controlled diet. You should also stock up on "smart carbs" such as:
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
Also try healthy fats such as:
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Olives
  • Oils
  • Fish
  • Avocado
Not all protein is created equal. Be sure to look for protein sources that are nutrient-rich and lower in fat and calories, such as:
  • Lean meats
  • Beans
  • Soy
  • Low-fat dairy
Here are some good sources of protein, as listed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture:

Protein grams
1 ounce meat, fish, poultry
1 large egg
4 ounces milk
4 ounces low-fat yogurt
4 ounces soy milk
3 ounces tofu, firm
1 ounce cheese
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup cooked kidney beans
1/2 cup lentils
1 ounce nuts
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 cup vegetables
1 slice bread
1/2 cup of most grains/pastas

Ways to Pump Up the Protein

If you'd like to start including more lean protein in your daily diet, try these simple tips if you do not have issues with dairy products:
  • Take yogurt with you to the gym and enjoy it as a post-workout booster.
  • Make your breakfast oatmeal with milk instead of water.
  • Snack on fat-free mozzarella cheese.
  • Use a whole cup of milk on your cereal.
  • Try smoked salmon or one of the new lean sausages for breakfast.
  • Take along a hard-boiled egg for an easy snack.
  • Munch on edamame beans at meals and snacks.
  • Choose round or tenderloin cuts of meat.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

What is the feeding tube diet for weight loss?

K-E stands for ketogenic enteral nutrition. A better term is the nasogastric tube diet. The K-E diet involves inserting a feeding tube into the nose, down the esophagus, through the stomach, and into the duodenum, and then infusing a high-protein feeding solution continuously. This is done in the hospital routinely for people who can’t eat. But that’s not what the K-E diet is about. It’s about brides-to-be who want to lose 10 pounds or so in a hurry to look good in a wedding dress.

The K-E diet transforms a medical therapy into the indulgence of a shortsighted, vanity-driven whim. If self-induced vomiting after meals constitutes an eating disorder, what is infusing liquid formula through a tube into the duodenum without medical indication? I fully appreciate the frustration people feel when trying to lose weight, but if bulimia is not the right answer for that problem, neither is this!

A nasogastric tube is an unpleasant, undesirable medical procedure we impose on sick patients who can’t eat. It carries a risk of aspiration pneumonia, which can be fatal. Ladies, do you really want to marry a guy who stands by while you risk your life to lose 10 pounds?

In terms of quick weight loss, this is a guarantee of quick rebound with interest, since it involves no useful behavior change. It has nothing to do with health and basically endorses the notion that weight loss by any means is acceptable.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The KEN Theory

What is it about

The KEN consists of a 24 hours a day infusion of a simple solution of proteins in a cycle of 10 days:

a) Infusion of proteins allows the patient to lose in 10 days up to 7% to 10% of initial body weight.

b) Continuous infusion creates a state of ketosis (children’s ketoacidosis) which takes away all feeling of hunger.

Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition (KEN)
weight loss in 10 days - Ketogenic Diet - -Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition Diet

Obese patients
Since 1986 we have used a protein-based AN to get a good weight loss in obese patients who were placed in treatment for a variety of illnesses (inflammatory bowel disease, abdominal fistulae, dysphagia from neurological conditions).

Four years ago, a young lady with colic fistula, and after the anterior resection of the rectum, obtained within one month the spontaneous healing of the fistula and a weight loss of 20 kg. The daughter, who was also heavily overweight, asked to be subjected to the same treatment with the only purpose to lose weight. Since it was accepted that the infusion of protein was of no risk of any kind, she was put on the tube and after 20 days she had lost 12 kg. It was the first case that dealt with obesity as an illness in its own right. From then on, and by word of mouth, patients begun increasing day by day. Since the slow infusion of protein generates ketosis (which eliminates the feeling of hunger) the technique was called Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition (KEN).

Up till the end of 2009, 8,834 patients have been treated with KEN who have lost around 106 tons collectively.

The Questionnaire

Before putting the tube, patients must fill out a questionnaire that gathers their past history in relation to obesity and in relation to major diseases.

In principle, only 3 categories of patients cannot be subjected to KEN:

a) Patients who cannot take a normal amount of protein. The KEN provides the administration of 60-80 grams of protein a day, when the amount that would normally be assumed corresponds to a gram of protein per kilogram of body weight (that is a much greater quantities). But there are patients with kidney failure that are forced on diets which are low in protein, including low-protein pasta and bread. These patients cannot categorically be included in the treatment with KEN.

b) Patients allergic to milk proteins. The solutions that we commonly use are proteins derived from milk. Those who are allergic to milk proteins and are prone to skin irritation due to dairy intake cannot be possibly subjected to the KEN with the usual protein solutions. They must use alternative types of protein solutions, although these have a higher cost.

c) Patients less than 14 years old. Diets below this age are likely to induce severe alterations that might lead to anorexia. We chose not to treat patients that might run this risk.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Solve Your Health Issues with a Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diets are powerful tools, and they can be life changing. Shifting to a low carb, fat burning diet can help you reduce your high blood pressure, banish heartburn, get rid of joint pain, and stop pre-diabetes in its tracks. I used to have all those health conditions and worse, and I've reversed them all. You can too.
On this website, you'll find information on how these diets work, the right way to "do" the diet, and the details on how you can increase your energy and improve your health simply by changing the way you eat.
What is a ketogenic diet?
Contrary to popular rhetoric, a ketogenic, low carb diet is NOT a high protein diet. It's a high fat diet, with a moderate protein and a very low carbohydrate intake. A typical ketogenic meal includes some sort of protein, a source of natural fats (either butter, cream sauce, olive oil, or coconut oil) and green leafy vegetables, such as in the picture at right.
weight loss in 10 days - Ketogenic Diet - -Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition

When you reduce the amount of carbohydrate and increase the fat and protein in your diet, it has the effect of switching your body into fat burning mode. Instead of using the easily exhausted sugar from carbohydrates for fuel, your body burns stored fat for energy, and it's this fat burning process which greatly improves health and well-being.
In fact, a ketogenic, high fat, moderate protein diet can alleviate many serious health issues.
Some medical researchers and physicians are using ketogenic, carb restricted diets to:
And many people, including myself, have discovered that a ketogenic diet is a very effective tool for regaining health, losing excess weight and building a muscular, healthy body.

What makes the ketogenic diet so effective?

It all starts with a process called ketosis, and the effect that it has on each one of the trillions of cells in our bodies. In short, ketosis means more energy and cleaner fuel burning in our cells, which leads to better cell health, better organ health, and better health overall.

But isn't a high fat diet unhealthy?

Actually, a high fat diet is healthier for you, when it is eaten while carbohydrate consumption is kept low.
A diet high in clean saturated fats and low in carbohydrates actually raises your HDL good cholesterol and lowers your triglycerides. These two factors are really the true measure of good heart health.
More and more people are discovering the benefits of eating more fat, and reducing carbohydrate consumption.
Literally thousands of people have gone on the Atkins diet, or the Protein Power diet, or some other higher fat, low carb diet and reaped the benefits. They have resolved nagging health issues (high blood sugar, hypertension, heartburn, joint pain, etc.), reversed serious disease processes, lost weight, felt better, and rarely felt hunger.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

What You Should Know About the Low carb Ketogenic Diet

Though it was originally developed to treat patients with epilepsy, interest in the ketogenic diet has taken off in recent years as we've learned more about its therapeutic and health benefits. Here’s what you need to know about ‘keto’ and why some health experts believe it's good for your body — especially your brain.

Fasting and other ketogenic-like diets have been used to treat conditions like epilepsy for thousands of years. And in fact, a version of the keto diet has been traced back to 500 BC.

Fast forwarding a bit, Dr. Rawle Geyelin gave a 1921 presentation to the American Medical Association in which he reported on the remarkable outcomes of several children who had benefited from fasting; his patients were having fewer seizures — and the effect appeared to be long-lasting.

Geyelin continued this work, and he developed a tolerable and reproducible high-fat and low carbohydrate diet now formally known as the ketogenic diet. For the next two decades, it was used by physicians to minimize seizures in their patients. Once modern antiepileptic drugs were introduced, however, the practice declined dramatically.

But interest in keto was renewed about 20 years ago as a number of scientists began to study it more closely — and not just for its ability to treat epilepsy. As we’re now learning, and despite its reputation as a “starvation” diet, a keto regimen has been shown to confer a variety of benefits.

The state of ketosis

The ketogenic diet is essentially a way to get our bodies to enter into a condition known as ketosis.
Normally, our bodies rely on glucose for fuel — the result of our moderate to high-carb diets. Carbohydrates are broken down to glucose, which gets converted into energy and transported to our muscles and organs. bodies-ketogenic diet
But when carbs are restricted, and when there’s a lack of glucose, our liver starts to produce ketones — a process that shifts our body towards fat utilization. This new mode of metabolism, or ketosis, can come about in several different ways, including starvation, type 1 diabetes, and even alcoholism.

While in this state, the levels of ketones in our blood starts to rise. Ketones are acidic chemicals that include acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate. Needless to say, this can lead to some serious problems; starvation is obviously not good! If left unchecked, ketones can increase blood acidity, which can affect urine and cause serious liver and kidney damage.

But, when done correctly and responsibly, the keto diet can be used to effectively treat a number of health conditions.

 How to do keto
A keto diet can take on many forms, but it typically involves the restriction of carbohydrates to no more than 50g per day. Sources should typically come from whole foods like vegetables, nuts, dairy, and so on. Refined carbohydrates, like bagels, pasta, and cereals, should be avoided, as should refined sugars (including high-sugar fruits and fruit juices).

Meals, therefore, should mostly be comprised of protein and some healthy fats (like olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados). A good rule of thumb is to follow the 60/35/5 rule in which 60% of calories come from fat, 35% from protein, and 5% from carbs. Protein should be set at about 1.5 to 1.75g of protein for every kilogram of your ideal body weight.

For comparison, a typical Western diet is about 5-15% protein, 10-20 % fat, and 65-85% carbohydrates.

 Why it works

Actually, we’re not entirely sure why it works so well. But some theories are beginning to emerge.
Keto diets have beneficial effects in a broad range of neurological disorders, particularly those involving the death of neurons. Scientists think it may have something to do with the effects of cellular energetics.
As already noted, the keto diet is associated with increased circulation of ketones in the body, which is a more efficient fuel for the brain. Ketones may also increase the number of brain mitochondria — the power packs inside of cells.

It’s possible that the boosted energy production capacity created by these effects is what gives our neurons an enhanced ability to resist metabolic challenges. Other biochemical changes — namely ketosis, high fat levels, and low glucose levels — may contribute to neuronal protection through a number of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.

The keto diet is being increasingly considered for the treatment of many neurological diseases and injuries, a list that includes Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and even traumatic brain injuries. The keto diet can also improve memory function in older adults with increased risk for Alzheimer’s.
Neuroscientists attribute the keto diet’s brain-protective qualities to a number of things:
  • Ketone bodies serve as an alternative source of energy during metabolic stress
  • Ketosis diminishes the toxicity produced by glutamate acid, a problem when a brain injury happens
  • It enhances GABA levels (γ-Aminobutyric acid) — an important inhibitory neurotransmitter
  • It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities
  • The diet protects against various forms of cell death
  • Restricting carbs protects against oxidative- and glutamate-stress, among other things


The keto diet may also help in fighting off certain types of cancer and various tumors. It seems to do a good job treating brain tumors, likely a consequence of its neuroprotective qualities.
In one case, it seems to have helped an elder woman mange her brain tumor. It can also work well in conjunction with radiation therapy to treat brain tumor cells — at least in mice. Some scientists believe that a restricted keto diet is “a viable alternative to the standard care for managing malignant brain cancer.”
A 2011 pilot study indicated that the ketogenic diet is suitable for even advanced cancer patients, claiming that “It has no severe side effects and might improve aspects of quality of life and blood parameters in some patients with advanced metastatic tumors."

Weight loss

The ketogenic diet is also being considered as way to help people lose weight, though evidence of its efficacy and safety are mixed.
A 2006 study comparing ketogenic and non-keto diets concluded that both diets are useful for weight loss, but the researchers found that the keto diet was associated with metabolic and emotional effects. "The use of ketogenic diets for weight loss is not warranted," the authors write.
Another study indicated that keto diets work great for the first three to six months compared to other dietary routines, but that the difference is no longer apparent after a year. The researchers found that keto is associated with favorable changes in triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels (that’s the good kind), but that it results in higher LDL levels than conventional low-fat diets.
Nancy Krebs’s 2010 study is probably the most favorable in terms of its application to weight loss. Her team concluded that a high-protein, low-carb keto diet may be effective for severely obese adolescents in the long term.


The keto diet has also been used in conjunction with exercise and athletics. And in fact, a growing number of athletes and bodybuilders swear by it, including many CrossFitters and other strength-and-conditioning types.
Formal studies are far-and-few on the subject, but a 2011 Italian study suggested that keto could be used as a way to lose weight in conjunction with exercise.


Because it’s a low-carb diet, ketosis works very well for people with diabetes. It’s effective at improving glycemic control in diabetic patients, and it "has a significant beneficial effect in ameliorating the diabetic state and helping to stabilize hyperglycemia."