Wednesday, 19 June 2013

What is the feeding tube diet for weight loss?

K-E stands for ketogenic enteral nutrition. A better term is the nasogastric tube diet. The K-E diet involves inserting a feeding tube into the nose, down the esophagus, through the stomach, and into the duodenum, and then infusing a high-protein feeding solution continuously. This is done in the hospital routinely for people who can’t eat. But that’s not what the K-E diet is about. It’s about brides-to-be who want to lose 10 pounds or so in a hurry to look good in a wedding dress.

The K-E diet transforms a medical therapy into the indulgence of a shortsighted, vanity-driven whim. If self-induced vomiting after meals constitutes an eating disorder, what is infusing liquid formula through a tube into the duodenum without medical indication? I fully appreciate the frustration people feel when trying to lose weight, but if bulimia is not the right answer for that problem, neither is this!

A nasogastric tube is an unpleasant, undesirable medical procedure we impose on sick patients who can’t eat. It carries a risk of aspiration pneumonia, which can be fatal. Ladies, do you really want to marry a guy who stands by while you risk your life to lose 10 pounds?

In terms of quick weight loss, this is a guarantee of quick rebound with interest, since it involves no useful behavior change. It has nothing to do with health and basically endorses the notion that weight loss by any means is acceptable.

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